Multiple Intelligences

Multiple Intelligences


 :My results

Linguistic (Word smart) 15

Logical (Number smart) 14

Interpersonal (people smart) 15

Interpersonal (Myself smart) 21

Musical (Music smart) 5

Visual / spatial (picture smart) 12

Naturalistic (Nature smart) 15

Kinaesthetic (body smart) 18



Highest number

Linguistic (Word smart) 15

Interpersonal (people smart) 15

Interpersonal (Myself smart) 21

Naturalistic (Nature smart) 15

Kinaesthetic (body smart) 18

Discuss your (highest number from the survey) Multiple Intelligence and how you use  daily life

I’m prefers to site  by myself outdoors in open area and learn a new language it is make my mind fresh and I can focus in it , I can understand people and understand oneself,and its help me to deal with people



Lowest number

Logical (Number smart) 14

Musical (Music smart) 5

Visual / spatial (picture smart) 12

Discuss your weakest (lowest number from the survey)  and how you could improve in this area

I could improve in this area Logical – mathematical by doing Training on mathematical aptitude
And Musical by Listen to Musical and do the Visual / spatial

مارك العراقي (5)

Posted on 31 جانفي 2014, in Intelligence and Learning. Bookmark the permalink. أضف تعليق.

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